Painted street sign of woman's silhouette leaning against lampost | Photo by <a href= Wild</a> on <a href=">Unsplash%22 data-lazy-src="" />

Dallas Law Against 'Manifesting' Prostitution Declared Unconstitutional

Plus: The right to call neighbor a "red-headed bitch," the case against a Digital Consumer Protection Commission, and more...


Silhouette of man against blurry digital lines backdrop | Photo by <a href= Yang</a> on <a href=">Unsplash " data-lazy-src="" />

Biden's Flip-Flop on Warrantless Surveillance

Plus: Montanans challenge ban on drag story hour, Arizona approves birth control without a prescription, and more...


The Statue of Liberty surrounded by the New York City skyline sits in a snowy field with evergreen trees | Illustration: Lex Villena; Uladzimir Zuyeu

The Best Ever Libertarian Gift Guide

Until next year's, because capitalism is always making things better.

