The U.S. Credit Rating Just Dropped. It's Time for Radical Budget Reform.
The lack of oversight and the general absence of a long-term vision is creating inefficiency, waste, and red ink as far as the eye can see.
The lack of oversight and the general absence of a long-term vision is creating inefficiency, waste, and red ink as far as the eye can see.
The proposal would raise the federal minimum wage by 134 percent.
The senators say they're creating an "independent, bipartisan regulator charged with licensing and policing the nation's biggest tech companies." What could go wrong?
Plus: Ohio drag bill models Tennessee measure declared unconstitutional, setting "Taco Tuesday" free, and more...
The reauthorization of Section 702 is one of the most important issues facing Congress in the second half of this year.
Plus: Steep drop in confidence in higher education, what The Bear can teach us about dynamism and bureaucracy, and more...
A group of senators is challenging the conventional interpretation of Article 5's an-attack-on-one-is-an-attack-on-all provision.
If a proposal to let pilots do more of their training on flight simulators passes, supporters will have "blood on your hands," says Sen. Tammy Duckworth.
The legislation—which was introduced in response to the derailment in East Palestine, Ohio—pushes pet projects and would worsen the status quo.
In 2019, the Trump administration blocked a costly and ineffective mandate for two-man railroad crews long sought by unions. Now, the former president wholeheartedly supports it.
The Fiscal Responsibility Act falls well short of solving America's permitting crisis.
Hawley might call them "tariffs on China," but that's obvious nonsense: Tariffs are paid by Americans.
His licensing proposal would slow down A.I. innovation without really reducing A.I. risks.
An expanded surveillance state can’t solve problems created by drug prohibition.
The legislation, whose authors say two-fifths of prisoners are locked up without a "compelling public safety justification," would reward states that take a more discriminating approach.
Prosecutors could end up with a trove of patient-level data regarding highly personal drugs like Viagra, abortion pills, and more.
The COVID-19 lab leak theory was labeled "misinformation." Now it's the most plausible explanation.
In 10 years, the programs' funds will be insolvent. Over the next 30 years, they will run a $116 trillion shortfall.
Plus: Senate Republicans spar over TikTok and free speech, Americans can't agree on how to cut spending, and more...
Excessive government interference in the market hurts consumers and thwarts policy goals. It also gets in the way of the government itself.
Revoking the 1991 and 2002 authorizations for the use of military force would be a good start, but the 2001 authorization has been used dozens of times to justify conflicts in numerous countries.
A bipartisan bill backed by J.D. Vance and Sherrod Brown would include a two-member crew mandate that unions have long sought—and that wouldn't have prevented the Ohio disaster.
"It's not clear that FTX would have existed, at least at its scale, if we had domestic guidelines for American companies," the former senator tells Reason.
While Sohn’s record raises ethics and judgment questions, some attacks against her lacked merit.
But it's exactly what they need to start talking about.
Net neutrality is an unnecessary and failed policy.
Plus: New York "hate speech" law is likely unconstitutional, FTC Commissioner quits because of chair Lina Khan's antics, and more...
The longest-serving California senator was a hardline drug warrior, a surveillance hawk, and no friend of freedom.
If you look closely, you'll find a lot of contradictions.
The senator bemoans the "cannabis crisis" he helped maintain by blocking the SAFE Banking Act.
Sen. Rand Paul says Republicans "have to give up the sacred cow" of military spending in order to make a deal that will address the debt ceiling and balance the budget.
They both share in their authoritarian desires to censor online speech and violate citizen privacy.
The site crashed because Swift is very popular, not because antitrust enforcement is too weak.
Social Security benefits will be cut automatically in less than a decade unless Congress shores up the program before it hits insolvency. Ignoring that is not a solution.
The outgoing Nebraska senator thinks America's true divide is between pluralists and zealots.
This week, a clip of Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin claiming that speech that espouses "hate" and "violence" is not protected by the First Amendment made the rounds on Twitter, sparking sharp backlash.
The prospects in the next session, when Republicans will control the House, are iffy.
After two terms in the Senate as a champion for free markets and limited government, Pennsylvania's Republican senator is heading into retirement.
A rushed process once again created a bad result.
Although both bills have broad bipartisan support, they never got a vote in the Senate and were excluded from the omnibus spending bill.
Plus: Diminishing differences in regional attitudes, IRS begins monitoring small transactions, and more…
A compromise to cram crack sentencing reform into the year-end omnibus spending bill fell apart at the last minute.
Brad Raffensperger compares President Joe Biden and Sen. Raphael Warnock to Donald Trump.
The Senate majority leader is suddenly keen to pass legislation that he portrayed as a threat to broader reform.
Senator Warren wants to extend the financial surveillance state cooked up by drug warriors and anti-terrorism fearmongers to cryptocurrencies.
Faced with White House opposition, Sanders withdrew a resolution that would've challenged U.S. involvement in the Yemeni Civil War.
Long delays and management failures "allowed serious, repeated sexual abuse in at least four facilities to go undetected."